Ida Gofman
CURRENT EXHIBITIONS Ida Gofman #1 2008 (18) The exhibition organized by the Tretyakov Gallery in March 2008 introduces for the first time to the public the work of the “Golden Fleece” movement, an outstanding phenomenon in the history of Russian artistic culture of the early 20th century. The organizers’ goal has been to reflect as fully as possible the magazine’s activities and to illuminate its historical importance. The materials on display are grouped into three sections: “Exhibitions”, “The Magazine” and “Nikolai Ryabushinsky”. The exhibition features the works of Russian and French artists that will evoke and reference their joint exhibitions in Moscow in 1908 and 1909. Its key objective is to highlight the main tendencies of the magazine-sponsored encounters of Russian and French art which contributed to the development and formation of the concept of 20th-century Russian avant-garde art |
CURRENT EXHIBITIONS Ida Gofman #1 2006 (10) The exhibition of Russian symbolism, “The Blue Rose”, which opens in early March 2006 at the Tretyakov Gallery, was initially part of the “Europalia 2005” festival in Belgium, shown in Brussels from October 10 2005 through to February 5 2006. It was meant to introduce European viewers to one of the most important periods in early 20th-century Russian art. Russian symbolism reflected general European traditions, while at the same time it brought its own colour and national features into the general stream of this artistic trend, showing traces of Russian folklore in its bright ornamentation. Its images are characterized by a soft lyricism and dreaminess typical of both the Russian spirit and Russian nature. |
CURRENT EXHIBITIONS Ida M. GOFMAN #1 2004 (02) Nikolai Sapunov was born into a merchant’s family of modest means on December 17 1880 in the Moscow region of Zamoskvorechie. His artistic gift revealed itself in early childhood, and at the age of thirteen he entered the Moscow School of Painting, Sculpture and Architecture where he studied for ten years; it was there that he matured both as an individual and as a professional artist. Fate was kind to him: Sapunov worked alongside the most outstanding figures of Russian culture of the turn of the 19th- 20th centuries, studying under Isaac Levitan, Valentin Serov and Konstantin Korovin. He won support from Savva Mamontov and Sergei Diaghilev, and his friends included Pavel Kuzne t sov, Nikolai Krymov, Sergei Sudeikin, Nikolai Milioti and other artists belonging to the "Golubaya Rosa" (The Blue Rose) group, who were in active contact with Victor Borisov - Musatov. Sapunov enthusiastically worked with famous producer-innovators such as Vsevolod Meyerhold and Fedor Komissarzhevsky, while he had friendly and close artistic ties with Alexander Blok, Valery Briusov and Mikhail Kuzmin. |