Dementy Shmarinov

Dementy Shmarinov. Memories of an Artist

Anatoly Zykov

Magazine issue: 
#2 2007 (15)

Managing a large group of creative individuals is no mean task. Artists are a touchy bunch, each and every one a "complex personality”! Dementy Alexeievich Shmarinov was thrice elected chairman of the Moscow Union of Artists. Following his third election, as art studios all over the capital buzzed with heated discussion of the new Union board and chairperson, my neighbour, the monumental artist Boris Miliukov summed up the situation perfectly: "There's no one else who could do it - only Shmarinov!” "Shmarinov could really be Minister for Culture,” someone added. Artists believed in Dementy Shmarinov - clear-headed, yet profoundly human, he was both a practical and sensitive organiser.

Dementy Shmarinov. Memories of an Artist

К 100-летию со дня рождения Д.А. Шмаринова

Dementy Alexeievich Shmarinov. 1923
Dementy Alexeievich Shmarinov. 1923

Managing a large group of creative individuals is no mean task. Artists are a touchy bunch, each and every one a "complex personality”!

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