Karl Plattner, La bella addormentata, 1972-73_oil on canvas_80 x 160 cm
08.05.- 28.06.2014 |
Starting from Thursday, May 8, until June 28, 2014, Galleria Goethe presents the exhibition MUSE INQUIETANTI [Disquieting Muses] in collaboration with Nuova Galleria Morone of Milan. Mothers, wives, muses, lovers. Throughout art history, women have played many roles in images that have revealed their history, or stolen a piece of their soul. Moving beyond commonplaces, clichés, and stereotypes, which associate the ‘portrayed’ women with the embodiment of traditional notions like frailty, sweetness, and seduction, this exhibition oddly talks about men through their women. A show of ‘self-portraits’, peopled by many artists, among them historical figures and young emerging artists, with works by Sylvester Ambroziak, Lois Anvidalfarei, Georg Baselitz, Claudio Bonichi, Giuseppe Bergomi, Dino Boschi, Pedro Cano, Giovanni Castell, Leonardo Cremonini, Aron Demetz, Otto Dix, Andrea Facco, Lucian Freud, Adolf Frohner, Ernst Fuchs, Domenico Grenci, Giselbert Hoke, Alfred Hrdlicka, Marco Perroni, Karl Plattner, Giovanni Sesia, Klaus Stephan, Alberto Sughi, Wainer Vaccari, Markus Vallazza, Paolo Vallorz. Opening hours: Monday - Friday: |