
And the White Snow as a Clean Sheet of Paper...

Anna Dyakonitsyna

Magazine issue: 
#4 2009 (25)

Shortly before the Christmas and New Year celebrations, a show of Francisco Infante and Nonna Goryunova titled “Snow Meridian” opened at the Krymsky Val building of the Tretyakov Gallery. It is mounted in a special project section, which is the final stop in the enfilade on the upper storey housing the permanent exhibition “20th-century Art” and also serves as an entry to the section of the newest art trends located on the first storey. The borderline position of the exhibition space - between modern and contemporary art, tradition and experiment - determines the context framing the contemporary artists’ exhibition as a part of the personal shows programme.

And the White Snow as a Clean Sheet of Paper...


Anna Dyakonitsyna

Magazine issue: 
#4 2015 (49)

Shortly before the Christmas and New Year celebrations, a show of Francisco Infante and Nonna Goryunova titled "Snow Meridian" opened at the Krymsky Val building of the Tretyakov Gallery. It is mounted in a special project section, which is the final stop in the enfilade on the upper storey housing the permanent exhibition "20th-century Art" and also serves as an entry to the section of the newest art trends located on the first storey. The borderline position of the exhibition space - between modern and contemporary art, tradition and experiment - determines the context framing the contemporary artists' exhibition as a part of the personal shows programme. The choice to present Francisco Infante's work as part of the Tretyakov Gallery's special projects programme is not accidental. Infante, who is known for breaking the basic conventions of art and crossing its accepted boundaries, shows us the harmony of creation through new forms and technical solutions; today, he is an acknowledged master. A Spaniard who grew up and lives in Moscow, Francisco Infante is one of those artists whose work defines today's art.


Shortly before the Christmas and New Year celebrations, a show of Francisco Infante and Nonna Goryunova titled "Snow Meridian"* opened at the Krymsky Val building of the Tretyakov Gallery. It is mounted in a special project section, which is the final stop in the enfilade on the upper storey housing the permanent exhibition "20th-century Art" and also serves as an entry to the section of the newest art trends located on the first storey.

And the White Snow as a Clean Sheet of Paper...

Anna Dyakonitsyna

Magazine issue: 
#3 2013 (40)

Shortly before the Christmas and New Year celebrations, a show of Francisco Infante and Nonna Goryunova titled “Snow Meridian” opened at the Krymsky Val building of the Tretyakov Gallery. It is mounted in a special project section, which is the final stop in the enfilade on the upper storey housing the permanent exhibition “20th-century Art” and also serves as an entry to the section of the newest art trends located on the first storey. The borderline position of the exhibition space – between modern and contemporary art, tradition and experiment – determines the context framing the contemporary artists' exhibition as a part of the personal shows programme.


Shortly before the Christmas and New Year celebrations, a show of Francisco Infante and Nonna Goryunova titled “Snow Meridian” opened at the Krymsky Val building of the Tretyakov Gallery. It is mounted in a special project section, which is the final stop in the enfilade on the upper storey housing the permanent exhibition “20th-century Art” and also serves as an entry to the section of the newest art trends located on the first storey.

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